/* (tabstops=8)

 þ MOD Player Tutorial by FireLight þ Copyright (c) Brett Paterson 1994-95 þ
			  þ Last updated 17/11/95 þ


³                           °±² : SECTION 0: ²±°                             ³
³                           °±²     Index    ²±°                             ³

		1.1 New in this version
		1.2 Notes
		1.3 Terminology
		1.4 Contacting FireLight and feedback
Section 2 : THE LOADER
		2.1 Notes
		2.2 Verification
		2.3 Load Module Name
		2.4 Load Sample Information
		2.5 Load Order Information
		2.6 Load Pattern Data
		      2.6.1 Four bytes?
		2.7 Load Sample Data
		2.8 Phew :)
		3.1 Ok Where Do I Start?
		      3.1.1   Speed and BPM
		3.2 Setting The Timer's Speed
		3.3 Player Logic
		      3.3.1   Orders/Patterns
		      3.3.2   The Pattern Buffer
		3.4 Inside Update Row
		3.5 Period Frequencies and Fine Tune
		      3.5.1   What do I do with this table?
		      3.5.2   Gravis UltraSound
		3.6 Volume
		4.1 Notes Without Instrument Numbers or Frequencies
		4.2 Effect Bxy and Dxy on the same row - backwards mods
		4.3 Logic with Breaking and Jumping - pointers, orders, rows
Section 5 : EFFECTS
		5.1 Effect 0xy (Arpeggio)
		5.2 Effect 1xy (Porta Up)
		5.3 Effect 2xy (Porta Down)
		5.4 Effect 3xy (Porta To Note)
		5.5 Effect 4xy (Vibrato)
		5.6 Effect 5xy (Porta + Vol Slide)
		5.7 Effect 6xy (Vibrato + Vol Slide)
		5.8 Effect 7xy (Tremolo)
		5.9 Effect 8xy (Pan)
		5.10 Effect 9xy (Sample Offset)
		5.11 Effect Axy (Volume Slide)
		5.12 Effect Bxy (Jump To Pattern)
		5.13 Effect Cxy (Set Volume)
		5.14 Effect Dxy (Pattern Break)
		5.15 Effect Fxy (Set Speed)
		5.16 Effect E0x (Set Filter)
		5.17 Effect E1x (Fine Porta Up)
		5.18 Effect E2x (Fine Porta Down)
		5.19 Effect E3x (Glissando Control)
		5.20 Effect E4x (Set Vibrato Waveform)
		5.21 Effect E5x (Set Finetune)
		5.22 Effect E6x (Pattern Loop)
		5.23 Effect E7x (Set Tremolo WaveForm)
		5.24 Effect E8x (Unused)
		5.25 Effect E9x (Retrig Note)
		5.26 Effect EAx (Fine Volume Slide Up)
		5.27 Effect EBx (Fine Volume Slide Down)
		5.28 Effect ECx (Cut Note)
		5.29 Effect EDx (Delay Note)
		5.30 Effect EEx (Pattern Delay)
		5.31 Effect EFx (Invert Loop)


³                           °±² : SECTION 1: ²±°                             ³
³                           °±² Introduction ²±°                             ³

³ °±² 1.1 New in this version ²±° ³
- Section 3.1.1 - Speed and BPM.
- Section 3.3.2 - The Pattern Buffer
- Section   4.2 - Effect Bxy and Dxy on the same row - backwards mods

Changed/Added too:
- Section 2.6   - Load pattern data section REWRITTEN - better pattern storage
		  methods are discussed, along with memory handling.
- Section 2.6.1 - 4 bytes? section changed and ADDED too. - new asm section.
- Section 3.2   - Setting the timer speed section expanded and is clearer.
- Section 3.4   - Inside update row pseudocode FIXED and REWRITTEN.
- Section 3.5.2 - GUS frequency info completely changed, new GUS volume table
- Section 5.1   - arpeggio, fixed (you add 8*finetune's not just 1 finetune)
		  it is also added too for more understanding.
- Section 5.5/  - vibrato/tremolo section totally REWRITTEN - DOUBLED in size.
	  5.8     it's now fully comprehensive and easy to understand.
- Section 5.12/ - pattern jump/pattern break added too.
- Section 5.19  - Effect E3x, Glissando added too, includes searching info.
- Section 5.20  - wavecontrol explained better, and ADDED to.
- Section 5.22  - Effect E6x, pattern loop bugfixed
- Section 5.29  - Effect EDx, delay note added too, warnings about quirks

- Spellchecked, and many other minor alterations/changes.

³ °±² 1.2 Notes ²±° ³

I know half of you out there want this document to write a player for you,
but I have just got to say that this is a REFERENCE, and even though I have
done my utter best I can to provide you with a head start in writing a mod
player, nothing beats experimentation and writing stupid mods, and playing
them on your player to see if you did it right.

I could lay down more rules and say "this is how you do it" but this is
exactly what I DON'T want to do.

Throughout the document, exaggerated length variable names are used, I don't
actually use these sort of variable names but they help to make things
clearer. e.g. "NUMBER_OF_PATTERNS".  Variable names will be all stated in

It is assumed you will have some sort of knowledge about
    - Sound Cards (and programming of sound cards, though I do include GUS
		   code in the files GUS.ASM/GUS.CPP, and info on the Sound
		   Blaster is contained in FSBDOC.TXT)
    - Interrupt Handlers (I will cover this though)

³ °±² 1.3 Terminology ²±° ³

    byte    1       8       0-255                   unsigned char
    word    2       16      0-65,535                unsigned short
    dword   4       32      0-4,294,967,295         unsigned long
Throughout this text I use the terms BYTE,WORD, and DWORD, to make the
document more general to all languages.  In C you can use typedefs to achieve
the use of byte,word,dword terminology, and in pascal and asm the syntax is
already suited to this anyway.

ORDERS   - orders are how the mod plays from 0 to length of song.
PATTERNS - patterns are played in any ORDER, and are the physical information.

TICK - I refer to a clock tick for the interrupt handler as a tick, some
others use the term FRAME.  I will be using the term tick throughout the whole

ALL of the time I present a type of pseudocode to try not to seem too biased
towards a language, and rarely will I used straight C code to demonstrate how
it is done.
I ALWAYS explain it properly in english and pseudocode first, before I
resort to any real code though.

In the pseudocode the following terms are used:
x SHR y         = shift x right by y bits
x SHL y         = shift x left by y bits
x AND y         = bitwise AND x by y
x OR y          = bitwise OR x by y

When I do use C to display how my code actually works, then here are some
of the symbols and what they mean for the C illiterate:
>> = bitwise shift right
<< = bitwise shift left
&  = bitwise AND
|  = bitwise OR
&& = logical AND
|| = logical OR
%  = modulus operator (remainder)

³ °±² 1.4 Contacting FireLight and feedback ²±° ³

email : firelght@suburbia.apana.org.au
 post : Brett Paterson,
	48/a Parr st,
	Leongatha, 3953,
	Victoria, Australia.
IRC : FireLight on #coders, #trax or #aussies

My internet access is limited at the moment so I might not be able to reply,
but who knows I might have proper access by the time you read this.

I have spent about a YEAR compiling and writing these documents, and it would
be encouraged if you could show your support by sending me a postcard to the
above postal address.

³                           °±² : SECTION 2 : ²±°                            ³
³                           °±²  The Loader   ²±°                            ³

³ °±² 2.1 Notes ²±° ³
Well first we've got to load the module in right?  Following is a step by
step way to code your loader, and storage issues will be discussed to help
you along.  I really don't feel like just writing another MOD format
description, so you will find one in the appendix of section 6 written by
Lars Hamre(?), the author of Protracker.

You WILL need to refer to the format document and this document side by side.
The loader section of this document doesn't actually give a map of mod format
and could be confusing, though it does go through it byte by byte.

The following section has their subsections which are in boxes, and in each
of these sections are 4 important subsections

- EXPLANATION   (describes what the section is on about, for understanding)
- PSEUDOCODE    (actually shows HOW to load the information)
- STORAGE ISSUE (helps on how to store the information loaded)
- SUGGESTION    (a helpful hint or suggestion to do after this step)

I placed the pseudocode section before storage issues because I know you are
probably going to be eager and want to jump into some code straight away.
Storage issue follows just to be a guiding hand; not a 'must'.
each pseudocode section follows on from the last.

³ °±² 2.2 Verification ²±° ³

Before we attempt to load a mod, we should check that it is in fact a mod.
Every mod has a unique signature, and in case of the .MOD format, this is
in the form of a 4 letter string containing the letters "M.K.", or "8CHN" or
a variety of other signatures for their mutated formats.
  These describe the type of mod, and the identifier signature is stored at
offset 1080 (438h) in the file, so should be checked first.

- Seek to offset 1080 (438h) in the file
- read in 4 bytes
-           compare them to "M.K."  - if true we have a 4 channel mod
- otherwise compare them to "6CHN"  - if true we have a 6 channel mod
- otherwise compare them to "8CHN"  - if true we have an 8 channel mod
- otherwise exit and display error message.

There are also rare tunes that use **CH where ** = 10-32 channels

Use this point to store the number of channels in a variable of your choice
(I just use a global variable called CHANNELS)

³ °±² 2.3 Load Module Name ²±° ³

This is a trivial part of the loader and just holds the Title or name of the
mod.  It is the very first 20 bytes of the MOD.

- Seek back to position 0, the start of the file
- read in 20 bytes, store as MODULE_NAME.

Storage Issue:
The name of the module is a 20 byte string, padded by 0's.
Here you can either store your module name as a global variable, in a
character string, or do what I do and store all the general information about
the mod in a structure like this

struct MODHEADER {
	char NAME[20]
	other information (will get to this later)

OR just

char NAME[20]

It's a good idea to set up a structure like this for future use, there is a
lot more information we will need to throw in here later, but of course you
don't need a structure, you can keep it as a heap of loose variables.
And of course if you are not interested in displaying the name of the module
you could just discard it.

Code a 1 line program to print out the name of your module to see if it's
working properly. (exciting huh)

NOTE: The Module name is supposed to be padded by 0's, and terminated with a
      0, but sometimes this is not the case.  Sometimes a tracker will allow
      all 20 bytes to store characters, which means no NULL terminator byte.
	This causes functions like printf to give unpredictable output as it
      cannot find the NULL terminator.  The way to fix this is just to use a
      loop and print out each character one at a time, or overwrite the 20th
      byte with a 0.

³ °±² 2.4 Load Sample Information ²±° ³

Sample information is stored at the start of a MOD file, and contains all the
relevant information for each of the 31 samples.  This includes its name,
length, loop points, finetune etc..
So from here we loop 31 times and read in a block of information about the
sample according to the loop counter.

- from this point, loop 31 times
	- for the sample # <loopcounter>....
	- read in 22 bytes,       store as SAMPLE_NAME
	- read in 2 bytes (word), store as SAMPLE_LENGTH  *   \
	- read in 1 byte,         store as FINE_TUNE      @   /\ IMPORTANT:
	- read in 1 byte,         store as VOLUME               > see key
	- read in 2 bytes (word), store as LOOP_START     *   \/   below
	- read in 2 bytes (word), store as LOOP_LENGTH    *   /
- end of loop

*  To get the real value in bytes, calculate it with (byte1*100h + byte2) * 2
@  For FINE_TUNE, if the value is > 7, subtract 16 from it to get the signed
   value (i.e. 0-7 = 0-7, and 8-15 = -8 to -1)

Storage Issue:
I think the best way to store information on the 31 instruments, is to store
its information in a structure, then have an array of 31 of these instrument
structures.  Like this:

struct SAMPLE {
	char SAMPLE_NAME[22]
	byte VOLUME

	(also some physical position information - see sample loading section.
	 some possibilities are under GUS...

	dword GUS_OFFSET (offset in gus dram)

	OR using main memory with sb say..

	char *SAMP_BUFF (pointer to the actual physical data in memory)

now declare an array of 31 SAMPLEs.  I do this in the general mod header
structure which is explained fully in the next section.
The other way which can be used is just to keep a heap of global arrays like

char SAMPLE_NAME[31][22]
byte FINE_TUNE[31]
byte VOLUME[31]
word LOOP_START[31]
word LOOP_LENGTH[31]

Now code a little viewer once you have done this to make sure everything is
stored properly.  This is VERY a important step.  Compare your output to
the tracker it came from or a player that shows all sample information.

³ °±² 2.5 Load Order Information ²±° ³

Ok now sample information is loaded, the next section of the module contains
order information.  Order information in a mod defines in what order patterns
are going to be played.  This means the composer could set orders 0 and 1
to pattern 0, for example, and the intent would be for pattern 0 to play
twice.  Its entry in the order table would look like this.

ORDER  : 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

Note orders have to be from 0 to length of song, but patterns can be chopped
and changed around in any order.
The first byte from here will tell us the length of the song in -orders-,
even though they are stored in 128 bytes of information.

- read a byte, store as SONG_LENGTH (this is the number of orders in a song)
- read a byte, discard it (this is the UNUSED byte - used to be used in PT as
   the restart position, but it is usually 127 so it isn't viable at all..)

Now we are at the orders table, this is 128 bytes long and contains the order
of patterns that are to be played in the song.  here we have to find out how
many physical patterns there are in the module.  How do we do this? Simple
just check every order byte and the highest value found is stored as the
number of patterns in the song.

- set NUMBER_OF_PATTERNS to equal 0
- from this point, loop 128 times
     - read 1 byte, store it as ORDER <loopcounter>
     - if this value was bigger than NUMBER_OF_PATTERNS then set it to that
- end of loop
- read 4 bytes, discard them (we are at position 1080 again, this is M.K. etc!)

Storage Issue:
One way is to go back to the other original MODhead structure, which contained
general information about the mod. here is the entire structure.

struct MODHEADER {
	char NAME[20]              ; song name
	SAMPLE INST[31]            ; instrument headers
	byte SONG_LENGTH           ; song length
	byte NUMBER_OF_PATTERNS    ; number of physical patterns
	byte ORDER[128]            ; pattern playing orders

or the second way would just to be store them all as global variables

char NAME[20]                      ; song name
byte SONG_LENGTH                   ; song length
byte NUMBER_OF_PATTERNS            ; number of physical patterns
byte ORDER[128]                    ; pattern playing orders

no array of samples here because if you saw the sample header loading section
we just stored them all as their own arrays.

As always print out the 128 orders, and see if the pattern numbers displayed
are correct.  Now you should have a viewer that can just about display every
bit of information about the module!  OK that stuff was easy.  Now it's time
for something tougher.. the pattern data!

³ °±² 2.6 Load Pattern Data ²±° ³


This is about the hardest part to code of the LOADER, and storage issues here
are VERY important, so it will be discussed first.  I'm going to try and be
as general as I can as I don't want to appear to be trying to steer you in
any direction, but I will be specific enough to guide you.

Storage Issues:
There are only a few ways to store pattern data, I've spent some time
pondering this issue.
Patterns really need to be stored DYNAMICALLY, or in other words only use as
much memory as you need.
So using a fixed array is not a good idea.  The best way is using pointers,
one to point to the actual pattern data, and another to rove through the
pattern data while playing/loading and pluck out the right notes.

I found the most viable methods of storing pattern data are -

1. Creating a pointer to ALL pattern data.  i.e. one big chunk.
   Most players use this method, including the GUSplay routines
   by Cascada and even Protracker by Lars Hamre.  Older versions of FMOD used
   this method also.

Diagramatically it looks like this:

Offset       0      x      2x     3x     4x    5x     6x     7x     8x     9x
PatternBuff Ä´ PAT0   PAT1   PAT2   PAT3   PAT4   PAT5   PAT6   PAT7   PAT8 ³

   The Problem with this is in REAL MODE DOS we have 64kb segments, which can
   cause some problems as you have to change segments to access the next 64kb
   of memory.  Segment/offset arithmetic needs to be used to avoid wraparound,
   or you can let it be done for you, as is shown next.

   Ways to avoid this segment wraparound are:
   1.  Use protected mode for flat access to all available memory - no wrap.
       The normal ways to do this are to use DOS4G/W (tm) Rational Systems,
       or PMODE/W by Charles Scheffold and Thomas Pytel.  If you are a C/C++
       programmer you can only use Watcom C++ to use these systems.
       Other protected mode handlers are Borland Powerpack (which is shit btw)
       or you can write your own DPMI routines.
   2.  In (borland) C, use HUGE pointers.  i.e. char huge *buffer;  This lets
       you access all of the 640kb of base memory as usual, but it does the
       segment/offset calculation for you! and AUTOMATICALLY.  It is a great
       feature of C, but is also slower than using protected mode because it
       has to do the calculations every time you reference it.
       You use farmallocs etc to allocate the memory.  Look up more in the
       manuals for more information.

2. Create an array of pointers, i.e. a seperate pointer for each pattern.
   This method has to be used with new formats supporting variable lengthed
   patterns.  It has an advantage for real mode, but otherwise for a .MOD/S3M
   player which are 64 rows long, method 1 is just as good.

Diagramatically it looks like this:
		 ³ ÚÄÄÄ´ PAT1 ³ ÚÄÄÄÄÄÄ¿  ³ PAT3 ³
PatternBuff[0] ÄÄÙ ³   ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÙ ³ PAT2 ³  ÀÄÄÂÄÄÄÙ
PatternBuff[8] ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ¿      ÚÄÄÁÄÄÄ¿
PatternBuff[9] Ä    ÚÄÄÁÄÄÄ¿  ³ PAT7 ³
PatternBuff[10] Ä   ³ PAT8 ³  ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÙ
PatternBuff[11] Ä   ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÙ
PatternBuff[12] Ä
PatternBuff[255] Ä

   Say you were doing this in C you would declare it like this:
   char far *patbuff[256]
   This creates 256 pointers.  One for each pattern as you like.

   In the above diagram with 0-8 patterns, the other pointers 9-255 are
   not allocated any memory so just dangle around in cyberspace.  They are
   not of concern.  They don't cost any memory and if we don't touch them
   then we wont get any problems.

3.  You CAN avoid having this array of 256 pointers, and make it more dynamic
    by using a DOUBLE POINTER.
    A double pointer is basically a pointer to a list of pointers..
    got that? :)
    say in C, the declaration would look like this.

    char **patbuff;

    first you allocate memory for the number of patterns you think you will
    use.. ie.

    patbuff = (char *)malloc(NUMBER_OF_PATTERNS * sizeof(char *));

    Then to allocate memory for each pattern individually, do it like you
    would for the array method discussed in method 2.

   Advantages of Method 2 and 3 over method 1:
   - You don't have to worry about wraparound any more, or going over segment
     boundaries. (because at most a pattern could be is 8192 bytes! - and
     that's a 32 channel pattern with 64 rows and 4 bytes per note)
   - Only far pointers are needed now, not huge pointers.  Saves calculation.
   - Instead of calculating the pattern offset value whilst playing, you just
     reference the correct pattern pointer using the pattern number as the
   - ESSENTIAL for variable lengthed patterns in formats like XM.
   - Easier to use these small pages for EMS memory handling.
   - Fragmentation (not really a problem)

When allocating memory, you need to know how much memory you need to use.
Using the one huge pattern buffer method, It works this way:

- declare a pointer and allocate it the amount of memory calculated below;

		     ³   ³
		     ³   ÀÄÄÄ (rows per channel)
		     ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ (bytes per note)

Why add 1 to NUMBER_OF_PATTERNS? well because patterns start at 0, and finish
at NUMBER_OF_PATTERNS, hence the additional 1.  If you didn't add 1 and there
was only 1 pattern you would end up allocating 0 bytes for the pattern data.

This value is normally going to be a very big number, so a dword will be
needed to store it.

So to find the physical pattern in your pattern buffer, calculate the offset
with the formula (CHANNELS * 4 * 64) * PATTERN_NUMBER.

Say we want to point to the start of pattern 4 in an 8CHN mod.
  (8 * 4 * 64) * 4
  = 8192.
So as you travel through this pattern just increment your pointer by 4 bytes
at a time.

A note is stored in the actual file as 4 bytes, it is done in this fashion.
The pseudocode below shows how to unravel this amigafied mess.

³ Byte 0    Byte 1   Byte 2   Byte 3  ³
aaaaDDDD     = sample number
BBBBCCCCCCCC = sample period value
eeee         = effect number
FFFFFFFF     = effect parameters

- calculate amount of memory needed for NUMBER_OF_PATTERNS patterns like so:
- create a base pointer and allocate the memory needed
- From this point, loop for as many times as NUMBER_OF_PATTERNS
     - From this point, loop 64 * CHANNELS times (this equals 1 pattern)
	  - read 4 bytes
	  - store SAMPLE_NUMBER as    (byte0 AND 0F0h) + (byte2 SHR 4)
	  - store PERIOD_FREQUENCY as ((byte0 AND 0Fh) SHL 8) + byte1;
	  - store EFFECT_NUMBER as    byte2 AND 0Fh
	  - store EFFECT_PARAMETER as byte 3
	  - increment pattern pointer by 4 bytes
     - end loop
- end loop

Alright so lets look at this again in simpler terms:
 - We have a big buffer that is meant to store all the pattern data
 - Then we start loading in the notes *4* bytes at a time, and unravel them
     into something meaningful as shown above.
 - store the new note variables one after the other, and it should fill the
     buffer to the exact size as was allocated in the beginning.

With EFFECT_PARAMTER, you might be tempted to store the 2 values stored in
here as 2 seperate variables, e.g. EFFECT_PARAMETER_X, and EFFECT_PARAMETER_Y.
I used to store them this way but I assure you when you get into coding your
effects this method is quite inefficient, I saved memory and increased
speed (but not noticeably) just by storing them in the 1 byte, and splitting
them only in the few times that you do need it. (i.e, printing them out
separately, or vibrato, or for finding out which E (extra) effect to use etc.)

³ °±² 2.6.1 Four bytes? ²±° ³ *IMPORTANT*

At this stage you're probably thinking.. how do I fit all this into only 4
For a start, DON'T store the amiga periods as your note value.  Convert each
period to a note number.  **SEE SECTION 3.5.1** for more discussion on this,
and notes and frequencies.  In summary you just scan through the amiga table
until it matches the value you loaded in, and give it a note value according
to a counter variable.

Anyway even if you did store the amiga period value as your note (which you
wont), then you can still fit it all into 4 bytes.  The file did it so why
can't you?
I used bit allocation.  This means I only use the bits I need in a byte, and
not a whole byte.

An example of this is the note volume is only capable of getting up to 64, so
we only need 6 bits.  The sample number goes up to 31.  This only needs 5
bits.  Follow here and see how things are allocated.  This is similar to the
way I do it in my player.  In C you can allocate a variable and tell how many
bits you want to use per variable (make sure they add up to a multiple of 8!)

In asm you would have to use a 4 byte note buffer, and do the bit
calculations yourself runtime, before you access them, which isn't too hard.

You could use a dword to store the whole note information, read it into
EAX say, then to pick out the effect parameter, which you stored in the lower
8 bits for example, all you have to do is reference AL!

Say you have your pattern data pointed to by DS:(E)SI.  This is a rough
example of how to select a note and pick out the relevant information.

mov eax, dword ptr ds:[si]              ; eax now holds the whole note's info
					; (or even just use a simple LODSD)
mov ebx, eax
shr ebx, 21
mov note, ebx                           ; note number       (11 bits)

mov ebx, eax
shr ebx, 16
and  bx, 31
mov sample, bx                          ; sample number     (5 bits)

mov effectno, ah                        ; effect number     (8 bits)
mov effectparm, al                      ; effect parameter  (8 bits)

to move to the next note:
add si, 4
(this isn't necessary if you used LODSD as it increments SI for you - although
remember that a single lodsd is a cycle or 2 slower than using a mov as well
as an add)

In this case it would probably be better to store the note and sample number
in the lower 16 bits instead of the effect information, because note and
number are accessed a lot more.

C++ example:
int note:11;    // 0-??  = 11 bits = 0-2048 should be plenty for your needs.
byte number:5;  // 0-31  = 5 bits
byte effect;    // 0-15  = 4 bits, but use 8 to keep things even
byte eparm;     // 0-255 = 8 bits

Even smaller!:
For one version of FMOD (not released), I actually used 3 bytes!!
  For this I used 7 bits to store the note, which has a range of 0-127.
I did this by not counting fine tunes in my note value (i.e. notes were
stored as 1 note apart, not 8 finetunes apart like normal, so it requires 8
times less space).
So for finetuning I converted finetunes to a middle C value in hz like S3M
(see FS3MDOC.TXT on how this works), therefore I only needed the amiga table
for the actual notes and not the finetunes between.  (the tuning is worked
out mathematically runtime.)

So I got something like:
  note =  7bits
number =  5bits
effect =  4bits
eparam =  8bits
       = 24bits  =  3bytes!

I ditched it when I supported S3M because it needs room for 99 instruments,
more possible notes (because of 9 octaves), has a volume byte,
and more effects.

³ °±² 2.7 Load Sample Data ²±° ³

- From this point, loop 31 times
     - get the length of the sample # <loopcounter> (stored in your variable)

At this point I use only GUS, and dump the sample to the GUS dram, but if you
were using Sound Blaster etc, you would just declare 31 pointers in memory
and allocate them a SAMPLE_LENGTH sized buffer, then load the information
into those buffers.  When you need to play them you would mix
the channels into a small buffer then DMA that buffer out to the sound card.
See FS3MDOC.TXT for more about mixing and Sound Blaster.

     - [SOUNDBLASTER] allocate a SAMPLE_LENGTH sized pointer to buffer in
       memory and load the sample into it
     - [DRAM-BASED-CARD (GUS)] poke/DMA bytes into DRAM, increment dword
       offset value GUS_OFFSET, and store that value next to the sample's
       information (along side length, volume, finetune, loop start etc)
     - check that your samples fit into (D)RAM, and exit with an error if
       they don't.
- end loop

³ °±² 2.8 Phew :) ²±° ³
Wasn't that bad was it? Now you have the FULL mod file stored away at your
disposal, with samples ready to blast.

Now is a GOOD time to do some thorough testing.  Do these things

- Make sure your sample headers and information are stored correctly
- Make sure your pattern data is stored perfectly.. it's quite important you
- Make sure your samples are stable in memory, and try to play them through
  your sound card.. you can have a few problems with misloaded samples I have
  found..  Also make sure the loop points are played correctly!
- Make sure you deallocate your memory before quitting the program!!

³                           °±²  : SECTION 3 :  ²±°                          ³
³                           °±² Playing the MOD ²±°                          ³

³ °±² 3.1 OK where do I start ²±° ³

I think the main thing you need to do now once you are satisfied your MOD is
loaded properly, is to set up an interrupt function, and understand a bit
about the way a MOD is played.

I'm going to use the system timer to hook onto here as an example, and if you
want to use other interrupt servicers you can do that if you know how..
(i.e. GUS IRQ).
You should know how to set up an interrupt handler yourself, but ill describe
how to do it here with a bit of code to demonstrate.

The system timer lies on INT 8
- Get the old handlers vector for int 8h, and store it away for later
- Set your new handler function to the vector for int 8h

 ³                               FINISHED!                                  ³

In C you would do that like this:
    oldhandler = getvect(8);
    setvect(8, handler);

 - where oldhandler has to have the prototype globally declared as
   void interrupt ( *oldhandler)(...);        // (...) for C++, () for C.
 - for dummies the actual handler function looks like this

   void interrupt modhandler(...) {
	...                         // do main loop here
	oldmodhandler();            // this is here to return int8 to what it
				    // normally did.  It'll crash without it.

In PASCAL it would look something like this:
    GetIntVec($8, Addr(OldTimer));
    SetIntVec($8, Addr(ModInterrupt));

  - with the function looking something like this
    (I have no idea if this is right as I don't do pascal)

   { $ F+,S-,W-}
   Procedure modhandler; Interrupt;
   { $ F-,S+}

If you're still not sure in C or pascal, check out the online manual on
getvect/setvect etc.

³ °±² 3.1.1 Speed vs BPM ²±° ³
Some people have asked me to explain more about this because they just don't
seem to get it at first.  They are DIFFERENT and you need a global SPEED
variable and a BPM variable to store them.

SPEED is the number of ticks (or times your interrupt handler is called)
between each time you process a new row.
In a module, say you have a speed of 6.  This means the interrupt handler
should tick 6 times for every row of the pattern processed.  Now imagine
if the speed was 3, it would take 1/2 the time to process the rows,
therefore making the song play twice as fast.
NOTE: The default speed to set a song to before it is played is 6.  The
composer might not set a speed and just use that default speed.

BPM, also called tempo, is the rate at which your interrupt handler should
be running.  It is the hardware rate in HZ that your timer should be running
at, and the next section, SECTION 3.2 shows you how to set the PC's system

³ °±² 3.2 Setting the timer's speed ²±° ³
Ok now your interrupt handler is already firing.. so one thing you must
do is set it to the right rate, we don't want mods that play way to fast or
slow, we want it at 125 BPM right now (or 50hz, or 50 ticks a second - the
reason it is 50 is thanks to the formula HZ = 2*bpm/5, check out more on this

How do you set the system timer's speed? if we want 50hz, we have to use
a divisor to calculate the right rate like so.

Hz = 50
PCTimerRate = 1193180/Hz    ;<- 1193180 is the divisor using Hz as the rate

Then use the below code to set the PC timer's rate to the desired speed.
Below tells us how to convert BPM to HZ.

    mov dx, 043h
    mov al, 036h
    out dx, al
    mov dx, 040h
    mov ax, PCTimerRate     ; here's the PCTimerRate variable
    out dx, al              ; write the lower 8 bits of the value
    shr ax, 8
    out dx, al              ; now write the upper 8 bits of the value

outportb(0x43, 0x36);
outportb(0x40, PCTimerRate & 0xFF);     // lower 8 bits
outportb(0x40, PCTimerRate >> 8);       // upper 8 bits

Port [$43] := $36;
Port [$40] := (PCTimerRate AND $FF);
Port [$40] := (PCTimerRate SHR 8);

Now the interrupt function should be ticking away at 50 times a second.
For other BPM's, which will be used because of the change tempo effect Fxy
where xy is 20h and up, we need to convert BPM to HZ.  If the Fxy effect
is set to below 20h, then you change the SPEED and not the BPM.  This is
looked at later on. (See section 5.15)

To convert BPM to HZ, you use :
     HZ = 2 * BPM / 5               (i.e 125bpm = 50hz)
then PC_TIMER_RATE = 1193180 / HZ, for the set timer routine.

Simple huh.  You'll need this for effect Fxy, but don't worry about this
until later.  For now just get it working at 125bpm. (50hz)
Effect Fxy is explained in SECTION 5.15

³ °±² 3.3 Player Logic ²±° ³

Now lets take a look at the interrupt function, this is where the playing
is done.

The SPEED of a song is the base on how your mod is played.  Each row of a
pattern is updated every SPEED number of clock ticks, so if a speed is 6,
then you only update each row every 6 clock ticks.  So on a speed like 3,
the row is going to be updated every 3 ticks and will play twice as fast as
speed 6.
  Inbetween you update certain tick sensitive effects, like portamentos,
volume slides and vibrato.
  Diagramatically the playing of a mod looks like this.


0: UPDATE ROW #0    <- update the 4,6 or 8 notes here in a mod's row.
1: ---  \
2: ---   \
3: ---    >- certain effects are updated here
4: ---   /
5: ---  /
1: ---
2: ---
3: ---
4: ---
5: ---

Logically a very basic representation of playing a mod looks like this:
³ STATIC TICK = SPEED ³  - declaration, start it off at SPEED, not 0, as we
³                     ³    want straight into the 'if tick >= speed condition'
³ TICK = TICK + 1     ³  - now increment the tick counter
³ if TICK >= SPEED    ³  - if the tick # is bigger or equal than SPEED then
³       update_row    ³  - update the CHANNEL number of notes for the new row
³       tick =0       ³  - reset tick to 0
³       ROW = ROW + 1 ³  - increment our row
³ else update_effect  ³  - else we update the tick based effects.
But you will have to take into account there are only 64 rows in a pattern,
and if you hit 64 then jump to the next pattern and start at row 0 again.
I say 64 because row 63's effects have to be played out before you jump to
the next pattern.

don't bother with update_effect for some time until you have got update_row
going OK.

³ °±² 3.3.1  Orders/Patterns ²±° ³
Just a short note on this.
When you reach the end of the pattern or whatever, you need to go to the next
order.  Now say you had your pattern numbers stored in an order array as they
should be, then it is simply a task of referencing that pattern number
according to the index ORDER, and then repositioning your pattern pointer

i.e. If your order list is something like this.
  Order ³ 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 .... ³
Pattern ³ 0 0 1 4 5 2 3 4 4 6 .... ³
and you have an array of patterns set up as ORDER_TABLE[128].
Selecting the appropriate pattern is as simple as finding ORDER_TABLE[ORDER].

³ °±² 3.3.2 The Pattern Buffer ²±° ³
After you have allocated enough memory for your pattern buffer and loaded the
actual pattern data into it, you will need to find the correct offset every
time you process a new row to find the right information.

You should know how to do by now by using some sort of formula like:

  offset = (CHANNELS * 4 * 64 * ORDER_TABLE[ORDER])
		     note, rows

and to find the current row just add (CHANNELS * 4 * row).

so the pattern+row formula ends up as :
  offset = (CHANNELS * 4 * 64 * ORDER_TABLE[ORDER]) + (CHANNELS * 4 * row).

I calculate this figure before processing every row and set the pattern
pointer, so that all I have to do is increment the row number or the order
number and this formula will pick it up for me and set the pointer

³ °±² 3.4 Inside update row ²±° ³

Ok on every tick 0, we want to update CHANNELS number of channels


Point your note pointer to the correct offset in the pattern buffer,
   according to order and row.

loop CHANNEL number of times {
     get NOTE from buffer
     get SAMPLE_NUMBER from buffer
     get EFFECT from buffer
     get EFFECT_PARAMETER from buffer

     if (SAMPLE > 0) then {
	  LAST_INSTRUMENT[CHANNEL] = SAMPLE_NUMBER  (we store this for later)
	  volume[CHANNEL] = default volume of sample SAMPLE_NUMBER

     if (NOTE exists) then {
	  if (VIBRATO_WAVE_CONTROL = retrig waveform) then {
		vibrato_position[CHANNEL] = 0 (see SECTION 5.5 about this)
	  if (TREMOLO_WAVE_CONTROL = retrig waveform) then {
		tremolo_position[CHANNEL] = 0 (see SECTION 5.8 about this)

	  if (EFFECT does NOT = 3 and EFFECT does NOT = 5) then
	      frequency[CHANNEL] =

     if (EFFECT = 0 and EFFECT_PARAMETER = 0) then goto to SKIP_EFFECTS label
     ....                                                                   ³
     PROCESS THE NON TICK BASED EFFECTS (see section 5 how to do this)      ³
     ALSO GRAB PARAMETERS FOR TICK BASED EFFECTS (like porta, vibrato etc)  ³
     ....                                                                   ³

     if (frequency[CHANNEL] > 0) then SetFrequency(frequency[CHANNEL])
	 if (NOTE exists) then {
	  PLAYVOICE (adding sample_offset[CHANNEL] to start address)
     move note pointer to next note (ie go forward 4 bytes in pattern buffer)

end of pseudocode.

Comments on above psuedocode:
- FREQ_TAB[] should be your amiga frequency lookup table - see SECTION 3.5.
- When checking and processing effect, in C/C++ I recommend using a switch
  statement.  They are more efficient than 30 if statements.
  - here is gus biased, for more on SB mixing see SBMIXDOC.TXT
  - also remember to add the sample_offset value to the start of the sample
    begin address.  If there was no sample offset then this value would be 0
    and it would not affect the outcome, so do it every time.

This is the processing inner loop and the needs to be fast as possible.

NOTE - SetFrequency() in this example is being passed amiga values, and
       should first convert it to a relevant hardware value.
       See SECTION 3.5.2 on how to convert an amiga period value to a GUS
       frequency for example.

³ °±² 3.5 Period Frequencies and Fine Tune ²±° ³

The formula for converting amiga period value to hz, is accomplished using
ONE of the following formulas.  Why there are 2 will be explained shortly.
You are going to have to convert amiga frequencies to some sort of speed or
frequency factor for YOUR sound card, so this part will show you how.

PAL:   7093789.2 / (amigaval * 2)
NSTC:  7159090.5 / (amigaval * 2)

Say if we wanted to find the value in hz for middle note C-2.  Looking up
the amiga table we see the value for C-2 is 428 (see table below).


PAL:   7093789.2 / (428 * 2) = 8287.14hz
NSTC:  7159090.5 / (428 * 2) = 8363.42hz

A quick explanation on PAL and NSTC.  The amiga used to time its mods by
sitting their interrupt handlers on the vertical retrace of the video screen
so the period values they used in the tables are the amount of data to send
to the amiga sound chip between interrupts, therefore changing the speed of
data sent and the pitch of the note.  Pretty stupid system huh.  But I suppose
back then they just wanted it to work and weren't too worried about the future.
  Trackers like FastTracker 2 are taking a step in the right direction by
using linear frequency tables.. ST3 took a step backwards by trying to base
S3M on the MOD format.  This is MUSIC we are talking about not computer

Which should I use? you are asking.  Well I think the NSTC is the most widely
accepted and used value, but it does not really matter.  The only difference
you might hear is a SLIGHT change in pitch, like about one fine tune out
say.  Inertia Play has a switch that lets you choose one or the other.  Try
flicking between the 2 while a song is playing to see what it is like.

Here is a period table.  This is straight out of amiga protracker code, so it
is bugfree, other tables you might see in like gusplay by cascada have bugs
in it.  Don't use it unless you can fix it.  (i.e. the bug is a wrong value
for about F-2 with finetune -3 or so.. FastTracker 1 has the bug try it out.)

; Tuning 0, Normal
	dc.w 856,808,762,720,678,640,604,570,538,508,480,453 ; C-1 to B-1
	dc.w 428,404,381,360,339,320,302,285,269,254,240,226 ; C-2 to B-2
	dc.w 214,202,190,180,170,160,151,143,135,127,120,113 ; C-3 to B-3
; Tuning 1
	dc.w 850,802,757,715,674,637,601,567,535,505,477,450 ; same as above
	dc.w 425,401,379,357,337,318,300,284,268,253,239,225 ; but with
	dc.w 213,201,189,179,169,159,150,142,134,126,119,113 ; finetune +1
; Tuning 2
	dc.w 844,796,752,709,670,632,597,563,532,502,474,447 ; etc,
	dc.w 422,398,376,355,335,316,298,282,266,251,237,224 ; finetune +2
	dc.w 211,199,188,177,167,158,149,141,133,125,118,112
; Tuning 3
	dc.w 838,791,746,704,665,628,592,559,528,498,470,444
	dc.w 419,395,373,352,332,314,296,280,264,249,235,222
	dc.w 209,198,187,176,166,157,148,140,132,125,118,111
; Tuning 4
	dc.w 832,785,741,699,660,623,588,555,524,495,467,441
	dc.w 416,392,370,350,330,312,294,278,262,247,233,220
	dc.w 208,196,185,175,165,156,147,139,131,124,117,110
; Tuning 5
	dc.w 826,779,736,694,655,619,584,551,520,491,463,437
	dc.w 413,390,368,347,328,309,292,276,260,245,232,219
	dc.w 206,195,184,174,164,155,146,138,130,123,116,109
; Tuning 6
	dc.w 820,774,730,689,651,614,580,547,516,487,460,434
	dc.w 410,387,365,345,325,307,290,274,258,244,230,217
	dc.w 205,193,183,172,163,154,145,137,129,122,115,109
; Tuning 7
	dc.w 814,768,725,684,646,610,575,543,513,484,457,431
	dc.w 407,384,363,342,323,305,288,272,256,242,228,216
	dc.w 204,192,181,171,161,152,144,136,128,121,114,108
; Tuning -8
	dc.w 907,856,808,762,720,678,640,604,570,538,508,480
	dc.w 453,428,404,381,360,339,320,302,285,269,254,240
	dc.w 226,214,202,190,180,170,160,151,143,135,127,120
; Tuning -7
	dc.w 900,850,802,757,715,675,636,601,567,535,505,477
	dc.w 450,425,401,379,357,337,318,300,284,268,253,238
	dc.w 225,212,200,189,179,169,159,150,142,134,126,119
; Tuning -6
	dc.w 894,844,796,752,709,670,632,597,563,532,502,474
	dc.w 447,422,398,376,355,335,316,298,282,266,251,237
	dc.w 223,211,199,188,177,167,158,149,141,133,125,118
; Tuning -5
	dc.w 887,838,791,746,704,665,628,592,559,528,498,470
	dc.w 444,419,395,373,352,332,314,296,280,264,249,235
	dc.w 222,209,198,187,176,166,157,148,140,132,125,118
; Tuning -4
	dc.w 881,832,785,741,699,660,623,588,555,524,494,467
	dc.w 441,416,392,370,350,330,312,294,278,262,247,233
	dc.w 220,208,196,185,175,165,156,147,139,131,123,117
; Tuning -3
	dc.w 875,826,779,736,694,655,619,584,551,520,491,463
	dc.w 437,413,390,368,347,328,309,292,276,260,245,232
	dc.w 219,206,195,184,174,164,155,146,138,130,123,116
; Tuning -2
	dc.w 868,820,774,730,689,651,614,580,547,516,487,460
	dc.w 434,410,387,365,345,325,307,290,274,258,244,230
	dc.w 217,205,193,183,172,163,154,145,137,129,122,115
; Tuning -1
	dc.w 862,814,768,725,684,646,610,575,543,513,484,457
	dc.w 431,407,384,363,342,323,305,288,272,256,242,228
	dc.w 216,203,192,181,171,161,152,144,136,128,121,114

* I personally used a sorted form of this table, that orders all the notes
  from C-1 with -8 finetune, then goes up through all the finetunes to B-3
  with finetune +7.  Makes things a lot easier.

³ °±² 3.5.1 What do I do with this table? ²±° ³
I pondered this one myself for a bit when I first started.  It would be nice
if you could just store in the amiga values as your notes, then give them to
your formula to use, and not even use a table to lookup amiga values.

But there lies a problem.  Namely finetune and arpeggio.  If you have the
amiga values stored as notes, then you will have no idea how much to fine
tune according to the note you are on.  If it was a linear table it would be
fine (you would just say 'finetune = 2, so add 2 to the pitch'), but as it
is actually a logarithmic table adding 2 on a C1 note gives a totally
different tone to adding 2 on a C3 note.  Its the problem with having
logarithmic periods.

Forget storing the actual amiga periods as your notes, in your loader convert
the periods to note numbers (see section 2.6.1), so you can use it to look
up/index the period table later when the tune is playing.

If you are still a bit confused this is how it is done.

- Loading the pattern data, I looked up the amiga value loaded and gave it
  a number from 8 to 288.  (36 notes, multiply it by 8 for finetunes between,
  remember each note is 8 finetunes apart, so it equals 288.)
- start at 8 (C-1) because there are going to be 8 finetunes below C-1.
- finish at 288 (B-3), and remember there is going to be 7 finetunes above

- You get this value by reading in the amiga value from the file, and scan
  through the period table (given above) until you find a match.
  (some trackers don't save the right numbers so I used a check if the number
   was between -2 to +2 from the actual value).
  Once you find the corresponding value, store the note as your (counter*8)
  where counter was the value you were incrementing as you went through the
- Now the pattern data is loaded up with a nice linear set of notes.

  ³ when you are actually playing just use your note value as an index to  ³
  ³  look up the amiga table again to get the correct amiga period value.  ³

ok here's how I did it:
period = ((byte0 & 0xF) << 8) + byte1;   // extract info from 4 bytes in file

current -> period = -1;                  // default value to -1, or 'nothing'
for (count2=1;count2<37; count2++) {     // start the search
     if (period > freqtab[count2*8]-2 && period < freqtab[count2*8]+2 )
	  current -> period = count2*8;  // if found store the counter as
}                                        // the index for the note.

If we went through the whole table and didn't find the value, then it is
assumed there is no note, and it stays at -1.
(use another value besides -1 if you like.  Actually using signed values is
 rather dumb, try to avoid them.)

³ °±² 3.5.2 Gravis UltraSound ²±° ³

How to change an amiga period to a GUS frequency???  Well you should find
this sort of stuff yourself but because I'm GUS biased ill talk a bit about
it.. :)

first :      hz = 7159090.5 / ( amigaval * 2 );
 next : gusfreq = (( (hz SHL 9) + (divisor SHR 1) ) / divisor) SHL 1;

Where divisor is one of these values below, depending on the number of
hardware voices you are using.

   Frequency   Active Voices
	44100          14 or lower
	41160          15
	38587          16
	36317          17
	34300          18
	32494          19
	30870          20
	29400          21
	28063          22
	26843          23
	25725          24
	24696          25
	23746          26
	22866          27
	22050          28
	21289          29
	20580          30
	19916          31
	19293          32

³ °±² 3.6 Volume ²±° ³
Handling volumes is one of the simplest parts of coding your player.  It
is just a matter of looking up a table or adjusting the percentage of
the sample to be mixed into the final output.

Remember there are actually 65 volume settings, just when you thought there
were only 64 (040h).  0 is included which is absolutely no volume, and 64
is full volume.

For gus users this is a pretty good volume table which I made myself.
I had about 5 volume tables and this one is the one I use, it is quite loud
but not too loud to cause clipping.  Others I found are too soft.

GUSvol   dw 01500h
	 dw 0A0DEh,0AB52h,0B2BDh,0B87Eh,0BD31h,0C12Bh,0C49Ch,0C7A5h
	 dw 0CA5Dh,0CCD2h,0CF10h,0D120h,0D309h,0D4D1h,0D67Bh,0D80Bh
	 dw 0D984h,0DAE9h,0DC3Bh,0DD7Dh,0DEB0h,0DFD6h,0E0EFh,0E1FCh
	 dw 0E2FFh,0E3F8h,0E4E8h,0E5D0h,0E6AFh,0E788h,0E859h,0E924h
	 dw 0E9E9h,0EAA9h,0EB63h,0EC18h,0ECC8h,0ED73h,0EE1Ah,0EEBDh
	 dw 0EF5Ch,0EFF7h,0F08Fh,0F123h,0F1B5h,0F242h,0F2CDh,0F356h
	 dw 0F3DBh,0F45Eh,0F4DEh,0F55Bh,0F5D7h,0F650h,0F6C7h,0F73Ch
	 dw 0F7AEh,0F81Fh,0F88Eh,0F8FBh,0F967h,0F9D0h,0FA38h,0FA9Eh

³                           °±²  : SECTION 4 :  ²±°                          ³
³                           °±²  Miscellaneous  ²±°                          ³

This section describes some of the little things that should be taken note of
when writing a mod player, but are VERY important.

³ °±² 4.1 Notes Without Instrument Numbers or Frequencies ²±° ³ *IMPORTANT*
This subsection is just about the most important of this whole section.
Sometimes a composer will some seemingly strange methods to write a tune,
i.e. leaving an instrument number off, or putting an instrument number but
with no note!  This part describes how to combat this.

C-2 01 C10
D-2 00 301 <- note no instrument number
--- 00 300

You will notice, on the porta to note that the composer has left off the
instrument number.  Also notice that the previous note had the volume set
to 10.  Leaving off an instrument number causes the volume to stay as it is,
and so the note slides, but still stays at volume 10.

C-1 01 A07
--- 01 A07 <- no period value (note), but there are instrument numbers
--- 01 A07
--- 01 A07

What this does is reset the volume on every note, and slides the volume down
on every note too.. This gives a stuttering effect that is commonly used.
It reinforces the last part (no instrument number), that if there is an
instrument number, then the volume is reset to the sample's default volume.
The sample is not retriggered though.

C-1 01 000
D-1 00 000
E-1 00 000

This means the sample is reset to its starting position, on all 3 notes, and
the frequency is also set.


						       or EDx)

³ °±² 4.2 Effect Bxy and Dxy on the same row - backwards mods ²±° ³

Pattern break and Pattern jump can be tricky if not handled properly.
Some tunes use a special feature of .MOD that allows you to put a Bxy effect
and a Dxy effect on the same row like this:

³--- 00 B05³--- 00 000³--- 00 D32³--- 00 000³
³etc..     ³          ³          ³          ³

See the included mod ODE2PTK.MOD which uses this exact technique.
Now logically you would think this would work like this:

- Jump to order 5
  set row to 0
- Increment order to 6
  set row to 32.

But this is wrong!  It actually means set order to 5, and row to 32.
It is handled like this:

- Jump to order 5
  set row to 0
  set pattern_jump flag                              <-- this is the new part

- if (pattern_jump flag is NOT set) increment order  <-- and this is new
  set row to 32

Now we end up at order 5, and row 32 like we should.  If the Bxy and Dxy are
the other way around, then it would not produce the same outcome, it would
produce a different outcome.
³--- 00 D32³--- 00 000³--- 00 B05³--- 00 000³
³etc..     ³          ³          ³          ³

This would ignore the D32 and just jump to order 5, row 0.  Go through the
above pseudocode and see that this is indeed the case.

Remember also that you will need a flag for pattern break, as you don't want
to keep incrementing the order if there are more than 1 pattern break command
on a row.

- when a pattern break occurs you set a PATTERN_BREAK_FLAG
- when a pattern jump occurs you set a PATTERN_JUMP_FLAG

And also in pattern break, you only increment the order if
PATTERN_BREAK_FLAG, AND, PATTERN_JUMP_FLAG are both NOT set, but you still
set the row no matter what.

³ °±² 4.3 Logic with Breaking and Jumping - pointers, orders and rows ²±° ³

There is one tricky part about using pattern break and pattern jump in your
mod player routine.  When one of these effects are implemented, you don't
want to jump to the next pattern/row straight away, but you want to finish
off playing the row first.  Though you still want to jump off to another
pattern/row when this row is finished.

You don't want to pull the rug out from under the pointer's feet, so to

The answer is only to position the pointer to the pattern data ONCE, BEFORE
you process a row, and only update the >VARIABLE< values for ORDER and ROW if
a pattern jump or pattern break is effected.  This way you can finish
processing the row, and when the next row comes it will reposition itself

Here are the simplified steps to illustrate:

1. Set your pointer JUST before you implement your play note routine
   according to the order/row.
2. Now DON'T reposition this pointer at ALL (according to order/row), except
   to step through channels in that row.  i.e.  Adding 4 bytes per turn to
   step to the next note in the row.
   When it comes to processing effect Bxy and Dxy, set the ROW/ORDER
   variables as necessary but DON'T touch the pointer you have running
   through the pattern data.  Step 1 WILL pick that up on the next turn
3. When it comes to process non tick 0 effects, REWIND the pointer by the
   correct amount to process the same row again, even thought the row/order
   value may be different.  We want to finish processing the current row's
   effects first, and again, the pointer will be positioned to it's rightful
   place when we get to tick 0, and STEP 1 again.


Update_Note() {
   Set pointer in pattern buffer, according to ORDER and ROW

   for (count=0 to CHANNELS-1) {
	process note

	process effects:
		only set the ORDER & ROW variables if Bxy/Dxy are used

	increment pointer to next note (4 bytes if that is how big it is)

Update_Effects() {
   rewind pointer (CHANNELS * 4) bytes.    (4 because of 4 bytes per note)

   for (count=0 to CHANNELS-1) {
	process effects:
		increment pointer to next note

This is EXACTLY how it should work, and you will have flawless pattern jumps
and breaks.

³                           °±²  : SECTION 5 :  ²±°                          ³
³                           °±²     Effects     ²±°                          ³

This part of the document is one of the most sorely needed, it actually tells
you HOW to code the effect, not just some vague reference on it and a basic
explanation like I have seen in so many other docs.

Beside each effect, there are the 2 Y/N boxes.. these are;

       T0 : (TICK 0) This means the effect is updated or taken care of at the
	    start of the row, or when the row is first encountered.
INBETWEEN : This means the effect is updated on the other (speed-1) ticks
	    that lie inbetween rows.

When coding your player, go for effect Cxy first.  It is the easiest and most
substantial effect to enable.  It will even make your tune resemble its
normal self.  Then go for effect Fxy (set speed).

³ °±² 5.1 Effect 0xy (Arpeggio) ²±° ³ UPDATED: T0? [N] : INBETWEEN? [Y]
This effect alternates the pitch rapidly to simulate a chord.  It usually
sounds very grating or harsh so it isn't used much except for chip tunes.

C-2 01 047 (Add to the pitch by 4 half tones then 7 half tones)

Range: x = 1st semitone to add to note (0h-Fh)
       y = 2nd semitone to add to note (0h-Fh)

so the effect 047 would generate a major, while effect 037 causes a minor.

This is a tick based effect:
Tick 0 set frequency to normal value,
Tick 1 add the x parameter to the frequency and set it,
Tick 2 add the y parameter to the frequency and set it,
.... go back and repeat steps from tick 0 until we reach the next row

You notice if SPEED is 1, then there will be no arpeggiation because there
are no ticks inbetween.  If SPEED is 2, then only the x arg is taken into
Each note is 8 fine tunes apart, so use your period table to calculate the
new period by multiplying x or y by 8, then adding it to the current note

Using the modulus operator is a good way to process this effect.
if the modulus of tick mod 3 is 0, then the frequency is set to the normal
value.  If the result is 1, then the frequency is set to the period value of
the current frequency + the (x parameter * 8).  Then logically if the result
is 2, the frequency is set to the period value of the current frequency +
the (y parameter * 8).

- get remainder/modulus of: tick divided by 3 (i.e. tick % 3)
- if result = 0 set the frequency to the normal value
- if result = 1 set the frequency to the normal value + (x# of finetunes * 8)
- if result = 2 set the frequency to the normal value + (y# of finetunes * 8)

³ °±² 5.2 Effect 1xy (Porta Up) ²±° ³ UPDATED: T0? [N] : INBETWEEN? [Y]
This effect causes a pitch slide that goes up.

C-2 01 104 (slide the frequency up 4 amiga values every tick)
--- 00 104 (slide against 4 values every tick)

Range: xy = 00h-FFh

You do this by resetting the frequency every tick, EXCEPT for the first one.
The amount to slide by is the value given in EFFECT_PARAMETER
You subtract the xy value from the AMIGA value of the frequency.

Tick 0 Do nothing.
Tick 1 subtract EFFECT_PARAMETER to the amiga frequency, and set it.
Tick 2 subtract EFFECT_PARAMETER to the amiga frequency, and set it.
Tick 3 subtract EFFECT_PARAMETER to the amiga frequency, and set it.
.... keep going until end of note

Remember B-3 is the highest note you can use, there is no law against sliding
above it but it is not standard (some mods might be written thinking that
the porta WILL stop at B-3, so be careful).  Personally I stop at 56, or
approximately B-5.

³ °±² 5.3 Effect 2xy (Porta Down) ²±° ³ UPDATED: T0? [N] : INBETWEEN? [Y]
This effect causes a pitch slide that goes down.

C-2 01 204 (slide the frequency down 4 amiga values every tick)
--- 00 204 (slide again 4 amiga values every tick)

Range: xy = 00h-FFh

You do this by resetting the frequency every tick, EXCEPT for the first one.
The amount to slide by is the amount given in EFFECT_PARAMETER.
You add the xy value to the AMIGA value of the frequency.

Tick 0 Do nothing.
Tick 1 add EFFECT_PARAMETER to the frequency, and set it.
Tick 2 add EFFECT_PARAMETER to the frequency, and set it.
Tick 3 add EFFECT_PARAMETER to the frequency, and set it.
.... keep going until end of note

Sliding too low isn't really a bother because the number will just get bigger.
Usually try and stop at about C-1 though, or C-0.

³ °±² 5.4 Effect 3xy (Porta To Note) ²±° ³ UPDATED: T0? [N] : INBETWEEN? [Y]
This effect causes the pitch to slide towards the note specified.
If there is no note specified it slides towards the last note specified in
the Porta to Note effect.
If there is no parameter then the last porta speed used for that channel is
used again.

C-2 01 000
D-2 01 303 (Set D-2 as the note to slide towards, and with a speed of 3,
--- 00 300  then keep it sliding to D-2, still with speed 3)
--- 00 300
--- 00 300

Range: xy = 00h-FFh

This effect can be buggy at first, but not too hard.
on TICK 0:
- If there is an argument given to the effect, then you must record that as
  PORTA_SPEED[channel]. (You need to remember all 4-8 channels worth of porta
  information - I have them as an array globally)
- If there is a note given, then you must store that as
- But don't slide here, just like the other porta effects.
- also, don't reset the note like you would normally if there was a frequency
  given (i.e. the D-2 in our example)

On OTHER ticks:
- Subtract or add PORTA_SPEED to the frequency (in AMIGA units), and set it.
  Subtract or add depending on if the current frequency is smaller or larger

| Remember in this effect, if there is a note we don't retrigger the note on |
| tick 0 like we usually do, so you have to make a special exception not to  |
| play/trigger a sample if there is a porta to note in progress.             |

³ °±² 5.5 Effect 4xy (Vibrato) ²±° ³ UPDATED: T0? [N] : INBETWEEN? [Y]
This effect causes the pitch to waver up and down around the base note.
If no parameter use the last vibrato parameters used for that channel.

D-2 01 4A2 (Vibrato the note D-2 with speed of A, and depth of 2)
--- 00 400 (Keep vibrating at A2)
--- 00 4B3 (Now change to B3)
--- 00 400 (Continue vibrating at B3)

Range: x = speed to vibrate at (0h-Fh)
       y = depth of vibrato (0h-Fh)

This is simply a case of adjusting the frequency every tick (besides tick 0),
according to a pre-defined table, like a sine table for example. (There are
others besides sine wave, see SECTION 5.20 for more on wavecontrols)
If the values in the sine table are added and subtracted to the current
frequency, then it will appear to be oscillating up and down smoothly in a
wave like fashion, giving us vibrato.

First lets look at this sine table.

Sine Table:
This is the sine table used by Protracker.  If a player calls itself
fully protracker compatible, it really should be using this table.

	   0, 24, 49, 74, 97,120,141,161,
	 180,161,141,120, 97, 74, 49, 24

This is actually only half a sine wave, to see how we cope with this read

Next we need a variable for each channel to tell us where we are in this
table currently.  It will be referred to from here as VIBRATO_POS.
It should be a signed byte, that ranges from -32 to +31.

Positioning vibrato pointer:
There are 32 positions in this sine table.   But as it is only HALF a sine
wave, we need to use it twice, subtracting the values from the frequency
first, then adding the values to the frequency.  It gives 1 complete sine

The way to do this is to use the variable called VIBRATO_POS, which is a
SIGNED value from -32 to +31. (64 values, including 0)

VIBRATO_POS always starts in the middle at 0.  NOT -32.  It is also reset
every tick 0 to the start, unless the wavecontrol tells us not to retrigger
the vibrato position to the start.

If the position variable is < 0, then SUBTRACT the sinetable value, using
the absolute of the VIBRATO_POS as the index to the sine table.
You can get the absolute of the value by just AND'ing it with 31.
(as the extra bit we AND out, is the sign bit.)

Otherwise if VIBRATO_POS is >= 0, add to the frequency.

By doing this we should get one nice and smooth oscillation like so:

			       At this point we add to the frequency
	 (+)³                 ³      ****
	    ³                 ³   ***    ***
Current    0³****..........***³***..........****..... -> time
Frequency   ³    ***    ***   ³
	 (-)³       ****      ³

Once we have adjusted the frequency accordingly, add the VIBRATO_SPEED value
to the VIBRATO_POS, therefore incrementing the position by the speed given by
the 4xy command.  If the value is greater than 31, then subtract 64 from it
so it starts in the negative again, and we get a continuous sine wave.

i.e.  If the position is 30, and the vibrato speed is 4, it will become 34,
      and then should be repositioned to -30.

Calculating depth:
Because there is a depth parameter to vibrato, we also need to find out how
large a value to add or subtract from the current frequency.

To calculate the amount or depth of the vibrato, you multiply the sine value
by the effect parameter Y, then you DIVIDE it by 128.  Remember the divide
by 128 (or shift right 7 bits) must be implemented or you'll have a HUGE

If this is starting to confuse you now, then just look down a page to the
pseudocode section and it is simplified into 6 easy steps.

Setting the frequency:
- Firstly, you don't actually change the value of the channel's frequency,
  but you just temporarily set the frequency to this new delta affected value.

1. Work out the size of the delta (delta is how much to add or subtract)

  delta = sine_table[vibrato_pos[CHANNEL]]
  delta = delta * vibrato_depth[CHANNEL]
  delta = delta / 128

2. Now actually add or subtract this delta to the frequency.

  if (VIBRATO_POS[CHANNEL] < 0), then
       SetFrequency(freq[CHANNEL] + delta)
  else SetFrequency(freq[CHANNEL] - delta)

Lets just simplify the above into 6 easy steps now.

1.  Start VIBRATO_POS at 0. (on tick 0, and if wavecontrol tells us too,
			     which it usually does.)

now on the other ticks..

2.  Use the absolute value of VIBRATO_POS to look up the sine table.  This
    can be achieved by AND'ing it with 31.  (and probably faster than abs())
3.  Multiply the sine table value with VIBRATO_DEPTH, then divide it by 128.
    this is the delta value.
3.  If the VIBRATO_POS is a negative value, SUBTRACT the delta value from the
    frequency and set it.
4.  If the VIBRATO_POS is a positive value (or 0), ADD the delta value to the
    frequency and set it.

6.  If the VIBRATO_POS > 31, then subtract 64 from VIBRATO_POS.

There are several options to vibrato, and they can be set by what is called
Firstly there are 4 methods of affecting the frequency.
1. sine wave
2. ramp down
3. square wave
4. random

Next, there is the option of retriggering the VIBRATO_POS to the start every
tick 0, or leaving it be.
It defaults to 0, which means "sine wave, retrig waveform".

     TICK 0 : if (wavecontrol says retrig waveform), then VIBRATO_POS = 0
OTHER TICKS : use the sine wave, ramp down, square wave, or random method.

See more in SECTION 5.20 for detailed information about wavecontrol.

Example code:
For those interested this is how mine works.  It is 100% accurate.
(freq[track] is the current frequency of that channel)

void dovibrato(UBYTE track) {
    register UWORD delta;
    register UBYTE temp;

    temp = (vibpos[track] & 31);                // temp will be the index

	case 0: delta = sintab[temp];           // look up sine table
	case 1: temp <<= 3;                     // ramp down
		if(vibpos[track]<0) temp=255-temp;
	case 2: delta = 255;                    // square
	case 3: delta = sintab[temp];           // random

    delta *=vibdep[track];
    delta >>=7;
    delta <<=2;           // we use 4*periods so make vibrato 4 times bigger

    if (vibpos[track] >= 0) GUSSetFreq(track, GUSfreq(freq[track]+delta));
    else                    GUSSetFreq(track, GUSfreq(freq[track]-delta));

    vibpos[track]+= vibspe[track] ;
    if (vibpos[track] > 31) vibpos[track] -=64;

³ °±² 5.6 Effect 5xy (Porta + Volume Slide) ²±° ³ T0? [N] : INBETWEEN? [Y]
This is a combination of Porta to Note (3xy), and volume slide (Axy).
The parameter does not affect the porta, only the volume.
If no parameter use the last porta to note parameter used for that channel.

C-1 01 000
D-1 01 303  (Start porta to note using speed of 3)
--- 00 501  (From here on keep doing porta, but slide volume down 1 as well)
--- 00 501
--- 00 501

Range: x = amount to slide volume up by or (0h-Fh)
       y = amount to slide volume down by. (0h-Fh)

This is exactly what it means, just do a 3xy first, then do a volume slide.
The parameters given only refer to the volume slide though and do not affect
the porta.  The porta is carried on from the last porta to note.
So when you code your effect routine, it's like

if (effect = 03h OR effect = 05h) DO_PORTA_TO_NOTE
if (effect = 0Ah OR effect = 05h) DO_VOLUME_SLIDE

kill 2 birds with 1 stone!

³ °±² 5.7 Effect 6xy (Vibrato + Volume Slide) ²±° ³ T0? [N] : INBETWEEN? [Y]
This is a combination of Vibrato (4xy), and volume slide (Axy).
The parameter does not affect the vibrato, only the volume.
If no parameter use the vibrato parameters used for that channel.

C-1 01 4A2  (Start Vibrato with speed 0Ah, and depth 2.
--- 00 601  (From here on keep doing vibrato, but slide volume down 1 also)
--- 00 601
--- 00 601

Range: x = amount to slide volume up by or, (0h-Fh)
       y = amount to slide volume down by. (0h-Fh)

This is exactly like effect 5xy, but just do a 4xy first, then do a volume
The parameters given only refer to the volume slide though and do not affect
the vibrato.  The Vibrato is carried on from the past vibrato parameters.
So when you code your effect routine, it's like

if (effect = 04h OR effect = 06h) DO_PORTA_TO_NOTE
if (effect = 0Ah OR effect = 06h) DO_VOLUME_SLIDE

kill 2 birds with 1 stone again! (hrmm that's 4 birds now)

³ °±² 5.8 Effect 7xy (Tremolo) ²±° ³ UPDATED: T0? [N] : INBETWEEN? [Y]
This effect causes the volume to oscillate up and down in a fluctuating style
around the current volume, like vibrato but affecting volume not pitch.
If no parameter use the last tremolo parameter used for that channel.

C-2 01 772 (Vibrate the volume up and down using speed 7 and a depth of 2)
--- 00 700 (continue with the tremolo at 7,2)

Range: x = speed to vibrate volume at (0h-Fh)
       y = depth of tremolo (0h-Fh)

- For a really DETAILED explanation, see SECTION 5.5 on vibrato.
  The only difference is that you divide by 64 not 128, and the volume is
  affected not the frequency.
  You should have coded vibrato first anyway as it is more common in mods.

- Seeing as this is a similar effect to vibrato, then we will use the same
  tables as it does.  Again, the only difference with tremolo is that you
  divide the delta (or deviation) by 64 and not 128.  You also have to check
  for if the volume goes over or under 0 and 64.
  This means if the biggest value in the sine table 255 is divided by 64,
  then the biggest deviation with depth parameter of 1 would only be 4, on its

- You're probably asking, what if the volume of the channel is already 64?
  You cant make the volume go any higher!
  Well in this case you would only hear the negative side of the tremolo,
  when the volume dips down and then back to full.  Same for the vice versa
  case if the volume is set to 0.  So you have to clip the volumes that go
  above 64 and below 0.

- On TICK 0 the TREMOLO_POS should be reset to the start, unless it's
  wavecontrol is set that the waveform is NOT reset/retriggered.
  (identically to vibrato)

- I (and most other players) only use 1 byte for vibrato and tremolo
  wavecontrol, as you only need 4 bits each.  That's why it is shifted right
  to get the upper 4 bits of information in the code below.

- Check out the vibrato section for more information on position pointers and
  sine tables. (Section 5.5)

This is how mine works, and is 100% accurate.  You are right if you think
it is nearly identical to vibrato.

void dotremolo(UBYTE track) {
    UWORD delta, temp;

    temp = (trempos[track] & 31);

    switch((wavecon[track] >> 4) &3){
	case 0: delta = sintab[temp];                  // sine
	case 1: temp <<= 3;                            // ramp down
		if(vibpos[track]<0) temp=255-temp;
	case 2: delta = 255;                           // square
	case 3: delta = sintab[temp];                  // random

    delta *= tremdep[track];
    delta >>= 6;                          // divide by only 64 this time

    if (trempos[track] >= 0) {
	if (volume[track]+delta > 64) delta = 64-volume[track];
	GUSSetVolume(track, (volume[track]+delta)*globalvol/64);
    else {
	if ((WORD)(volume[track]-delta) < 0) delta = volume[track];
	GUSSetVolume(track, (volume[track]-delta)*globalvol/64);

    trempos[track]+= tremspe[track];
    if (trempos[track] > 31) trempos[track] -=64;

³ °±² 5.9 Effect 8xy (Pan) ²±° ³ UPDATED: T0? [Y] : INBETWEEN? [N]
This effect is non-Protracker, but is worth mentioning.  It was introduced
by Otto Chrons in DMP (dual mod player), and causes the left/right position
of the current channel to be set to the position specified.  Hence Panning.

--- 00 800              (Set the position of the channel to the far left)

00 = far left
40 = middle
80 = far right
A4 = surround *

I don't like this method at all, and prefer the straight 0-FFh method of
panning.  Where 0 = full left, and 255 (FFh) is far right.  Fast Tracker 2
uses this method.

* Surround is usually achieved by having 2 copies of the sample, 1 inverted,
  and you play them at -exactly- the same time, with one of the pair panned
  fully left, and the other (the inverted one say) panned fully right.  This
  will give a surround effect.  If you play both the samples in the same pan
  position they will cancel each other out.  Experiment with this in a
  tracker.  Using GoldWave(tm) for example you can invert a sample.
  As effect 8xy is a channel command, you will have to in effect have 2
  channels (voices) ready for this channel, and make sure you set one
  voice to the full left, and the other inverted, and to the full left.
  You CAN have surround sound on a GUS.

³ °±² 5.10 Effect 9xy (Sample Offset) ²±° ³ UPDATED: T0? [Y] : INBETWEEN? [N]
This effect causes the note to start playing at an offset into the sample,
instead of just from the start.  It is used so that the beginning of a sample
is can be skipped.  If a parameter is not given, then the last parameter
given is used.

C-2 01 942 (Start the note playing at 4200h bytes into the sample)
C-2 01 900 (do the same again, using last parameters 42)

Range: xy = 00h-FFh

As seen in the example, the argument is the first 2 digits of a 4 digit
number (in hex) that the offset should take place from.

so SAMPLE_OFFSET = EFFECT_PARAMETER * 0100h (or shift left 8 bits)

What you do to enable this effect is; when you tell your soundcard or mixing
buffer the start of the sample, also add the value SAMPLE_OFFSET to it.
When the sample is actually triggered it will come out at the given offset
into the sample.

Remember to check if the user set an offset that is larger than the sample!
If it is, then the sample offset should equal the end of the sample.

(If you clip your samples at their loopends, and you think people might
  want to sample offset past the loopend point, then dont worry becuase doing
  this would result in silence anyway, or, making the sampleoffset equal the
  end of the sample - or the loopend in this case)

³ °±² 5.11 Effect Axy (Volume Slide) ²±° ³ UPDATED: T0? [N] : INBETWEEN? [Y]
This effect causes the volume of the track to slide up or down.

A-2 01 A01  (slide the volume down 1 * (speed-1) units)
--- 00 A01  (slide the volume down 1 * (speed-1) units)
--- 00 A01  (slide the volume down 1 * (speed-1) units)
--- 00 A20  (now slide the volume up 2 * (speed-1) units)
--- 00 A20  (slide the volume up 2 * (speed-1) units)

Range: x = amount to slide volume up by or, (0h-Fh)
       y = amount to slide volume down by. (0h-Fh)

On this affect you either slide the volume up x, or down y, but not both.
This is a tick based effect so should be processed once a tick but not tick 0.
if x > 0 then slide volume up x
if y > 0 then slide volume down y
if x > 0 and y > 0 then do nothing.

On tick 0:
Take note of the volume slide, but do nothing

On other ticks:
if x > 0 then add x to volume[CHANNEL] and set the volume
if y > 0 then subtract y to volume[CHANNEL] and set the volume

* before setting the volume, make sure you haven't slid past 0 or 64.

³ °±² 5.12 Effect Bxy (Jump To Pattern) ²±° ³ T0? [Y] : INBETWEEN? [N]
This effect jumps to a specified channel (in hex)

--- 00 B10 (Jump to order 10h, or 16)

Range: xy = 00h-FFh

This effect is fairly simple, after the row has been processed including it's
effect, then the order is reset and the song continues playing from row 0.
Make sure you don't jump over the end of the song length, and if you do then
set it to the first order.

* if you increment your row after your PlayNote() function, then row should
  be set to -1, so it is 1 less than 0, then as the tick handler adds 1 to
  the row it is set to 0 again, and nothing is wrong.

* See Section 4.6 on using pattern jump and pattern break on the same row.
  You should set a flag to say there has been a pattern jump, so if there
  is a pattern break on the same row, the pattern break effect will not
  increment the order.  I know its strange but it is a protracker feature.

³ °±² 5.13 Effect Cxy (Set Volume) ²±° ³ UPDATED: T0? [Y] : INBETWEEN? [N]
This effect sets the volume of a channel.

C-2 01 C20 (Set the volume of the channel to 20h)

Range: xy = 00h-40h

This is about the easiest and first effect you should code.  It is just a
simple case of setting the tracks volume to the argument specified (in hex)
The volume cannot be set past 40h, and if it is then set it to 40h.
Only process this effect on tick 0, and likewise only set the volume on tick

³ °±² 5.14 Effect Dxy (Pattern Break) ²±° ³ UPDATED: T0? [Y] : INBETWEEN? [N]
This effect breaks to the next pattern starting at the specified row.

--- 00 D32 (Break from this pattern and start at row 32 on the next pattern)

Range: xy = 00h-63Fh (it is stored as hexadecimal but is read as decimal)

This effect is similar to effect Bxy or pattern jump.  You only jump to
the next pattern though, and you start tracking again at the specified row.
The row should not be bigger than 63, and if it is take it as 0.
It works something like this:

  - increment order (only once, some mods have more than 1 pbreak on a row
		      which could cause an increment order twice or more!)
  - set row to be x*10 + y. (we have to get the decimal value not the hex)

* Remember that it is possible to put more than 1 pattern break on a row,
  but we don't want to increment the order every time, we only want it to
  increment the row only once.  So *set a flag when a pattern break occurs*,
  and only increment the order if that flag has not been set.

* Also set a flag when pattern jump occurs (Bxy), as if a pattern jump effect
  has been called then the order should not be incremented either.
  See Section 4.2 on using effect Bxy and Dxy on the same row.

The pseudocode would look something like this:

if (effect = D) then
	ROW = (parameter_x * 10) + parmeter_y - 1
	if (ROW > 62) row = -1
	if (BREAKFLAG = 0 and JUMPFLAG = 0) then ORDER = ORDER + 1

³ °±² 5.15 Effect Fxy (Set Speed) ²±° ³ UPDATED: T0? [Y] : INBETWEEN? [N]
This effect sets the speed of the song or the BPM.

--- 00 F07 (Set the speed of the song to 7 ticks a row)
--- 00 F7D (Set the bpm of the song to 125 or 7Dh)

Range: xy = 00h-1Fh for speed
       xy = 20h-FFh for BPM

This has 2 parts to it.  If the user specifies a parameter from 0 - 1Fh, then
it is just simply a case of setting your speed variable, otherwise you need
to set your BPM variable and reset the timer speed.  This is demonstrated in
section 3.2 on how to change the speed of the system timer according to
beats per minute.

Remember for setting the timer, the rate in Hz is equal to Hz = bpm * 2 / 5

³ °±² 5.16 Effect E0x (Set Filter) ²±° ³ UPDATED: T0? [Y] : INBETWEEN? [N]
This effect turns on or off the hardware filter (not applicable to most pc
sound cards)

--- 00 E01 (Turn the filter on)
--- 00 E00 (Turn the filter off)

Range: x = 0 to turn hardware filter off, 1 to turn it on (0-1)

There isn't much to say about this effect, except for that it is a hardware
function which was designed to turn on the amiga's filter.
If you wanted to you could try implementing this effect in the SBPro's h/w

³ °±² 5.17 Effect E1x (Fine Portamento Up) ²±° ³ T0? [Y] : INBETWEEN? [N]
This effect slides the pitch up by x amiga value's per row.

C-2 01 E11 (Start at note C-2, and move pitch up one amiga value)
--- 00 E11 (keep sliding up...)
--- 00 E11

Range: x= amount to slide up by. (0h-Fh)

This effect is only processed once per row, on tick 0, and it is as simple
as just subtracting x from the current channel's frequency. (remember you
subtract to raise the pitch.)  You don't subtract any finetunes or anything,
just do a straight subtraction of x from the amigaval.

³ °±² 5.18 Effect E2x (Fine Portamento Down) ²±° ³ T0? [Y] : INBETWEEN? [N]
This effect slides the pitch down by x amiga value's per row.

C-2 01 E21 (Start at note C-2, and move pitch down one amiga value)
--- 00 E21 (keep sliding down...)
--- 00 E21

Range: x = amount to slide pitch down by. (0h-Fh)

This is identical to effect E2x, except but you add to the amigaval of the
channel by x, and don't subtract.

³ °±² 5.19 Effect E3x (Glissando Control) ²±° ³ T0? [Y] : INBETWEEN? [N]
This effect causes a change in the effect 3xy (porta to note).  It toggles
whether to do a smooth slide or whether to slide in jumps of semitones.

--- 00 E31 (Turn on Glissando and have portas slide in semitones)
--- 00 E30 (Turn off Glissando and have portas slide smoothly)

Range: x = 0 to turn off glissando, 1 to turn it on (0-1)

By default this value should be set as 0, or doing a smooth slide.
When it is set to 0, porta to note (effect 3xy) is achieved by just adding or
subtracting the desired porta value to or from the frequency.

With glissando turned on it is a different story.  The frequency is only set
to the next highest or lowest semitone (or 8 finetune values), according to
which direction you are sliding.
To implement this just keep a glissando flag and check it while doing your
porta effect in your UpdateEffect function.

To do it is cumbersome to say the least, and I'd rather leave it out because
of speed reasons, unless there is a better way to achieve it that I don't
know of.

To find the nearest semitone, you are going to have to search through the
entire period table until you find a value that is the next semitone to be
reached in the portamento.

The only ways I can think of now are:
1. Sequential Search.  Just start at the start of the table and search
   through to the end.
   Here it is diagramatically (The reason is to compare it with the 2nd
   The vertical bar |, is used to denote the position currently being
   searched in the table.

   search 1.   [|--------------]
   search 2.   [-|-------------]
   search 3.   [--|------------]
   search 4.   [---|-----------]
   search 5.   [----|----------]
   search 6.   [-----|---------]
   search 7.   [------|--------]
   search 8.   [-------|-------]
   search 9.   [--------|------]
   search 10.  [---------|-----]
   search 11.  [----------|----]

   Sequential search uses about N/2 comparisons for both successful and
   unsuccessful search (on the average)

2. Binary search.  Start searching half way through the table, if the value is
   smaller than this middle value, then discard the upper half and try from
   the middle of the lower half.  This is also the case for vice versa, and
   the procedure is repeated until you narrow it down to the actual answer.
   As you can see it only takes 4 searches rather than 11 in this case, which
   makes it a lot more efficient.

   search 1.   [-------|-------]
   search 2.           [---|---]
   search 3.           [-|-]
   search 4.             [|]

   Binary search never uses more than log N+1 comparisons for either
   successful or unsuccessful search.

3. Other searches include interpolation search, binary tree search etc, but I
   am not going to go any more into searching algorithms, and you may think
   that these more complicated methods are not worth the extra calculations
   anyway, even if the search time is shorter.  If you are interested there
   are plenty of books on this topic, so go check out your local library.

I used a reference in part of this section on searching algorithms, and
credit must go to the following book.

Footnote: Algorithms in C
	  Robert Sedgewick.
	  ISBN 0-201-51425-7

³ °±² 5.20 Effect E4x (Set Vibrato Waveform) ²±° ³ T0? [Y] : INBETWEEN? [N]
This effect set the waveform for the vibrato command to follow.

--- 00 E42 (Select the squarewave function for the vibrato command)
--- 00 E40 (Select the default sinewave for the vibrato command)

Range: x = vibrato function to select (0-7)

The following values of x select its corresponding vibrato function
x=0 : Set sine wave  (default)
x=1 : Set Ramp Down  |\|\|\     _   _
x=2 : Set Squarewave         |_| |_| |_
x=3 : Set Random     (anywhere)
x=4 : don't retrig Sine waveform
x=5 : don't retrig RampDown waveform
x=6 : don't retrig Squarewave waveform
x=7 : don't retrig random waveform

Sine wave:
This is covered in great detail in the vibrato SECTION 5.5, just apply a sine
wave to the frequency.

Ramp down:
This is done in the following fashion.
Multiply the absolute value of VIBRATO_POS by 8 (shift left 3 bits).
if the real value of VIBRATO_POS is smaller than 0, then the value to
use is the value multiplied by 8, subtracted from 255.
otherwise it is just the value multiplied by 8.

To make things clearer this is how it works.

	temp = VIBRATO_POS[track] AND'ed with 31 (to get absolute value)
	temp = temp * 8
	if ( VIBRATO_POS[track] < 0 ) then, temp=255-temp
	delta = temp

This gives a constant downwards ramp as the combination of adding and
subtracting makes it a straight line from top to bottom every time.

Square wave:
This is easily done by adding and subtracting VIB_DEPTH * 255, then it is
divided by 128 as usual.

It is added to the frequency if VIBRATO_POS is greater than or equal to 0.
It is subtracted from the frequency if VIBRATO_POS is smaller than 0.

Retrig waveform:
This means that you reset the VIBRATO_POS to position 0 every time a new note
is processed (on tick 0 in other words).  If you have set the wave control
flag to 4 or more, then the VIBRATO_POS is not reset, and just continues from
the previous position of where it was.

This is how the start works, before you set the frequency or increment the

    temp = VIBRATO_POS[track] AND'ed with 31      (gets absolute value first)

    if (VIBRATO_WAVECONTROL = 0) then {           (sine wave)
    else if (VIBRATO_WAVECONTROL = 1) then {      (ramp down)
	temp = temp * 8
	if ( VIBRATO_POS[track] < 0 ) then, temp=255-temp
	DELTA = temp
    else if (VIBRATO_WAVECONTROL = 2) then {      (square wave)
	DELTA = 255
    else if (VIBRATO_WAVECONTROL = 3) then {
	DELTA = SINE_TABLE[temp]                  (random - just use sinewave)

    DELTA = DELTA / 128

etc.. etc..  Now we know the delta to add or subtract to the frequency.

For real examples of the first 3 waveforms look at the example in SECTION 5.5
of the vibrato section.

Storage Issue:
As these values for vibrato and tremolo only require 4 bits each, the
  common method is to only use 1 byte, using the upper 4 bits for the tremolo
  wavecontrol, and the lower 4 bits for the vibrato wavecontrol.

³ °±² 5.21 Effect E5x (Set Finetune) ²±° ³ UPDATED: T0?? [Y] : INBETWEEN? [N]
This effect sets the finetune on a selected instrument.

--- 01 E5F (Set the finetune of instrument 1 to -1)

Range: x = value of finetune to set (0h-0Fh)

if the value is > 7, just subtract 16 from it to get the signed value.
(i.e. 0-7 = 0-7, and 8-15 = -8 to -1)
This effect is really easy, and I don't know why more players support it,
apart from it being a fairly useless effect.
To implement it, just
- check the instrument number
- get the value in the effect parameter.
- set the finetune for that instrument.

³ °±² 5.22 Effect E6x (Pattern Loop) ²±° ³ UPDATED: T0? [Y] : INBETWEEN? [N]
This effect allows the user to loop a part of a pattern x number of times.

C-2 01 E60 (Set the loop start at this point)
--- 00 000
--- 00 E64 (Loop back to the starting point 4 times)

Range: x=marks loop starting point, or sets the number of times to loop to
	 the starting point (0h-0Fh)

This effect is done in the following fashion.

 If (parameter X = 0) note down the row number for that channel
 else {
     if (PATTERN_LOOP[TRACK] = 0) then set PATTERN_LOOP[TRACK] = x
     else subtract 1 from PATTERN_LOOP[TRACK]
     if PATTERN_LOOP[TRACK] > 0 row = stored row number.   (if we are still
						       looping then jump back)

Remember when declaring the PATTERN_LOOP variable to initialize it as 0.
Jumping back should just be a matter of setting your row number to the stored
pattern loop number, and once the row is finished it should start playing at
the specified position again.

This is how my function works, in the UPDATE_NOTE function, or handler for
tick 0.
case 0x6: if (eparmy == 0) patlooprow[track] = row;   // store pos if param=0
	  else {
	      if (patloopno[track] == 0) patloopno[track]=eparmy;
	      else patloopno[track]--;
	      if (patloopno[track]) row = patlooprow[track]-1;

Remember you keep seperate patlooprow/patloopno variables for EACH channel,
NOT just 1 of each for the whole song.

³ °±² 5.23 Effect E7x (Set Tremolo WaveForm) ²±° ³ T0? [Y] : INBETWEEN? [N]
This effect set the waveform for the tremolo command to follow, just like

--- 00 E42 (Select the squarewave function for the tremolo command)
--- 00 E40 (Select the default sinewave for the tremolo command)

Range: x = tremolo function to select (0-7)

The following values of x select its corresponding tremolo function
x=0 : Set sine wave  (default)
x=1 : Set Ramp Down  |\|\|\     _   _
x=2 : Set Squarewave         |_| |_| |_
x=3 : Set Random     (anywhere)
x=4 : don't retrig Sine waveform
x=5 : don't retrig RampDown waveform
x=6 : don't retrig Squarewave waveform
x=7 : don't retrig random waveform

see section 5.20 for more information on wavecontrol, and 5.7 for an example
of how wavecontrol is implemented with tremolo (it is identical to vibrato).

* As these values for vibrato and tremolo only require 4 bits each, the
  common method is to only use 1 byte, using the upper 4 bits for the tremolo
  wavecontrol, and the lower 4 bits for the vibrato wavecontrol.

³ °±² 5.24 Effect E8x (16 position panning) ²±° ³ T0? [Y] : INBETWEEN? [N]
This effect lets you do 16 position panning.

--- 00 E80 (Set the channel's pan value to the far left)
--- 00 E8F (Set the channel's pan value to the far right)

Range: x=position to pan too (0h-0Fh)

On tick 0, just read in the parameter and set the relative panning value for
the channel.

³ °±² 5.25 Effect E9x (Retrig Note) ²±° ³ UPDATED: T0? [N] : INBETWEEN? [Y]
This effect retriggers (plays) the current note every x ticks.

C-2 01 E93 (Retrig the note every 3 ticks - at speed 6 this would retrig once)
--- 00 000
C-2 01 E91 (Retrig the note every tick - at speed 6 this would retrig 5 times)

Range: x=ticks between retriggers (0h-0Fh)

On this effect you need to use the modulus operator to check when the retrig
should happen.  If x is 1 say, then it should retrig the note SPEED number of
times in one note.
  tick MOD 1 = 0 always, so you would be retrigging every note.
  tick MOD 2 = 0 on even numbers, 1 on odd numbers, so you would be retrigging
		 every other note.
When it does happen just play out the note as you would normally.  The note is
played on tick 0 as it would normally be.

³ °±² 5.26 Effect EAx (Fine Volume Slide Up) ²±° ³ T0? [Y] : INBETWEEN? [N]
This effect slides the volume up x values per row.

C-2 01 C00 (Start at note at volume 0)
--- 00 EA1 (Now slide the volume up for the channel by 1 unit)
--- 00 EA1 (keep sliding up by 1 unit...)

Range: x= amount to slide up by. (0h-Fh)

This effect is only processed once per row, on tick 0, and it is as simple
as just adding x to the current channel's volume.
It is only processed on tick 0, and is not touched at all in the other ticks.
The only checking to be done is for volumes larger than 64.
hint: for all these volume commands, only do the checking for bounds once,
just before you actually set the volume.

³ °±² 5.27 Effect EBx (Fine Volume Slide Down) ²±° ³ T0? [Y] : INBETWEEN? [N]
This effect slides the volume up x values per row.

C-2 01 EB1  (Slide the volume down for the channel by 1 unit)
--- 00 EB1  (keep sliding down by 1 unit...)
--- 00 EB1  (keep sliding down by 1 unit...)

Range: x= amount to slide up by. (0h-Fh)

This effect is only processed once per row, on tick 0, and it is as simple
as just subtracting x from the current channel's volume.
It is only processed on tick 0, and is not touched at all in the other ticks.
The only checking to be done is for volumes smaller than 0.
hint: for all these volume commands, only do the checking for bounds once,
just before you actually set the volume.

³ °±² 5.28 Effect ECx (Cut Note) ²±° ³ UPDATED: T0? [N] : INBETWEEN? [Y]
This effect cuts the volume of the note to 0 after x amount of ticks.

--- 00 F06   (speed is now 6)
C-2 01 EC3   (Stop the note at tick 3, or half way between 2 notes)

Range: x= number of ticks to wait before zeroing samples volume. (0h-Fh)

This effect is ignored on tick 0, but on tick x when you are updating tick
based effects, then just set the volume of the channel to 0.
Of course if the user specified x as a number more than the speed of the song,
then it would be ok because it would never get to tick x, and the effect is

³ °±² 5.29 Effect EDx (Delay Note) ²±° ³ UPDATED: T0? [N] : INBETWEEN? [Y]
This effect waits for x amount of ticks before it actually plays the sample.
 * Until the new one comes out, the previous one continues playing normally *

--- 00 F06   (speed is now 6
C-2 01 ED4   (Delay playing this note for another 4 ticks)

Range: x= number of ticks to wait before playing sample. (0h-Fh)

This effect is ignored on tick 0, AND you must make sure you don't play the
sample on tick 0.
When you arrive at tick x then just play the sample as you would normally.
Again if the user specified x as a number more than the speed of the song,
then it would be ok because it would never get to tick x, and the effect is

Delay note can be one of the most annoying effects to implement for a number
of reasons.

--- 00 F06   (speed is now 6)
C-2 01 C05   (volume is now 5)
--- 00 000
E-2 02 ED3   (Here is the tricky part, see below for why)

This requires special handling, as you would normally :
	1. play the note
	2. set the channel's volume if there was an instrument number,
	3. set the channel's frequency if there was a note value,

You don't do any of these things UNTIL tick 3, so you have to ignore everything
on tick 0 until you get to tick 3, and THEN play the note, set the volume,
and set the frequency.

Now for the NEXT complication (delays longer than the speed of the song)

--- 00 F04   (speed is now 4)
C-2 01 C05   (volume is now 5)
E-2 02 ED5   (here is a delay that will never happen, see below for more.)
--- 00 ---   (this empty note is here for a reason)

This looks innocent enough, but it is actually quite tricky.  You might say
that you would just never play the note, but what happens when you get to
the next row after the delay?
You would normally set the volume of the channel, so it would jumps from 5 to
the volume of sample 2, which you previously stored but did not set because
there was a delay note effect.
This is very wrong, as we want the volume to stay at 05, and the original
C-2 01 sample to keep playing.
It requires a special condition not to remember the volume for the channel
if an instrument is set, and a delay note effect's parameter is bigger than
the SPEED of the song.

The reason I emphasize this is you might have coded it so it delayed playing
the note, but forgot about the volume/frequency parts of this command.


³ °±² 5.30 Effect EEx (Pattern Delay) ²±° ³ UPDATED: T0? [Y] : INBETWEEN? [N]
This effect delays the pattern for the time it would take to play x number of

C-2 01 EE8 (Play the c-2 note then wait for 8 notes before..
C-2 01 000  ... playing the next note)

Range: x= number of notes to delay pattern for. (0h-Fh)

To implement this effect you are going to have to modify your main interrupt
handler (see section 3.3):

You are going to have to keep a counter that is subtracted every time your
SPEED number of ticks is up, but don't play the note.  You must still keep
playing the effects though.

It would look something like this.
if (tick >= speed) {
	... blah blah blah etc...
	if (patdelay = 0) then {
		increment row.
	else patdelay = patdelay - 1
else do_effects

This just boils down to not playing the note or incrementing the row for x
number of notes, until the pattern delay counter is 0.  When it is 0 the mod
should keep playing as if nothing had happened.

³ °±² 5.31 Effect EFx (Invert Loop) ²±° ³ UPDATED: T0? [Y] : INBETWEEN? [N]
This effect inverts a sample loop or plays it backwards.

C-2 01 EF4 (Play the loop in this sample backwards at speed 4)

Range: x = speed to set invert loop at (0h-0Fh)

This effect is not supported in any player or tracker.  Don't bother with it.

³                   °±²          : SECTION 6 :          ²±°                  ³
³                   °±² Protracker 1.1B Format Document ²±°                  ³

Offset  Bytes  Description
   0     20    Songname. Remember to put trailing null bytes at the end...

Information for sample 1-31:

Offset  Bytes  Description
  20     22    Samplename for sample 1. Pad with null bytes.
  42      2    Samplelength for sample 1. Stored as number of words.
	       Multiply by two to get real sample length in bytes.
  44      1    Lower four bits are the finetune value, stored as a signed
	       four bit number. The upper four bits are not used, and
	       should be set to zero.
	       Value:  Finetune:
		 0        0
		 1       +1
		 2       +2
		 3       +3
		 4       +4
		 5       +5
		 6       +6
		 7       +7
		 8       -8
		 9       -7
		 A       -6
		 B       -5
		 C       -4
		 D       -3
		 E       -2
		 F       -1

  45      1    Volume for sample 1. Range is $00-$40, or 0-64 decimal.
  46      2    Repeat point for sample 1. Stored as number of words offset
	       from start of sample. Multiply by two to get offset in bytes.
  48      2    Repeat Length for sample 1. Stored as number of words in
	       loop. Multiply by two to get replen in bytes.

Information for the next 30 samples starts here.  It's just like the info for
sample 1.

Offset  Bytes  Description
  50     30    Sample 2...
  80     30    Sample 3...
 890     30    Sample 30...
 920     30    Sample 31...

Offset  Bytes  Description
 950      1    Songlength. Range is 1-128.
 951      1    Well... this little byte here is set to 127, so that old
	       trackers will search through all patterns when loading.
	       Noisetracker uses this byte for restart, but we don't.
 952    128    Song positions 0-127. Each hold a number from 0-63 that
	       tells the tracker what pattern to play at that position.
1080      4    The four letters "M.K." - This is something Mahoney & Kaktus
	       inserted when they increased the number of samples from
	       15 to 31. If it's not there, the module/song uses 15 samples
	       or the text has been removed to make the module harder to
	       rip. Startrekker puts "FLT4" or "FLT8" there instead.

Offset  Bytes  Description
1084    1024   Data for pattern 00.
xxxx  Number of patterns stored is equal to the highest patternnumber
      in the song position table (at offset 952-1079).

Each note is stored as 4 bytes, and all four notes at each position in
the pattern are stored after each other.

00 -  chan1  chan2  chan3  chan4
01 -  chan1  chan2  chan3  chan4
02 -  chan1  chan2  chan3  chan4

Info for each note:

 _____byte 1_____   byte2_    _____byte 3_____   byte4_
/                 /        /                 /
0000          0000-00000000  0000          0000-00000000

Upper four    12 bits for    Lower four    Effect command.
bits of sam-  note period.   bits of sam-
ple number.                  ple number.

Periodtable for Tuning 0, Normal
  C-1 to B-1 : 856,808,762,720,678,640,604,570,538,508,480,453
  C-2 to B-2 : 428,404,381,360,339,320,302,285,269,254,240,226
  C-3 to B-3 : 214,202,190,180,170,160,151,143,135,127,120,113

To determine what note to show, scan through the table until you find
the same period as the one stored in byte 1-2. Use the index to look
up in a notenames table.