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                     AMIGAnica HUNgarica CONference #1

                   "This will end your windows session!"

            Attention, all cosmopolitan computer fan on globe!

             I'd like to announce to you news, that hopefully
                   is going to make your heart beating!

             The very first pure AMIGA (rather PC-FREE) party
                          held in Hungary is here!

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 We've really felt the need for such a party & conference already, because
 the Hungarian & Foreign gatherings don't seems to be tending upgrade and
 it rather stands for the usual attendents now.
 I guess quite a few of us loose the motivation for going to such events,
 when (in good instance) at every second table only, poor teens wander 
 about  an ugly 3D murder-world.

 The organizers mustn't be blamed for this, they must win the money somehow,
 for the hall-rent's, projector's and the rest "triffles" cost. To
 achieve this is really enough the gang of those neoprimitive, conceited,
 assface, who paid the entrance fee in order to get everybody see his
 lightspeed wreck-heap.

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 The AMIGAnica HUNgarica is a party, where the organizers guarantee, no
 Microsoft creatures, nor doom/quake/duke/etc. clones are going to use
 processortime. The only exception out of these, if the above mentioned
 mnemonicgroups are running in EMULATOR as test event.

 The computers are allowed at AMIGAnica HUNgarica must belong to alternative
 type with the label of Commodore, AMIGA, Sinclair, Apple or Silicon.
 Shoddyboxes (PC's) are let in by prearrangement only, and its function is
 limited to having it MAXIMUM as network-router! (otherwise it must be
 handled to the organizers for "COMPO-MACHINE" ;))

 The hall itself can give trenches for quite a few hundreds of fugitives only,
 running away from the XX. century computer slough (wintel), thus the number
 of visitors are limited! Though i don't think thousands of people are needed
 for a rather friendly atmosphered meeting.
 Not the megawatts, megahertz, megasoftwarecompanies play the lead at this
 party, but the competitions and all the more rather the people contributing

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 Why the word "conference" next to the party?
 Because it's the first AMIGA scene & Computer Club conference, where
 those are involved can talk their opinions, experiences and their future
 plans over, and not at last they can meet their "rivalry" face-to-face.

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        - demo (AMIGA/C64/Spectrum/Mac...)
        - 64k intro (AMIGA/C64/Spectrum/Mac...)
        - 4k intro (AMIGA/C64/Spectrum/Mac...)
        - 1k intro (AMIGA/C64/Spectrum/Mac...)
        - graphics
        - ray-trace
        - Slamtilt flipper!
        - video demo
        - group logo
        - Workbench-grab
        - ShapeShifter-grab
        - machine beauty-parade
        - diskmag beauty-parade
        - group/club flag/logo beauty-parade
        - HomePage beauty-parade (Online/Offline)
        - special, and official FUNNY compo!
        - Workbench localize compo ;-)
        - ...


        - hardwares, accessories and more
        - usable stuffs for each catogories


        - PowerPC card show (held by Phase5!)
        - the wonders of MacOS (ShapeShifter)
          held by Apple!
        - LIVE MUSIC (first time in the scene history, famous known Amiga
          songs will be performed LIVE on instruments by lORD & Mr.Pixel)
        - 24h Internet connection guaranteed!
        - ...

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Who do we expect to be there?

        - all active or stagnating groups
        - all active or nonactive sceners
        - all AMIGA/Mac/Commodore/Spectrum Clubs
        - all AMIGA fans around
        - and first of all, YOU!

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             If everything happens as we've desired, a couple of
             TV companies (NOT LOCAL ONES!) and journalists will
             also take part and attend there in order to record
             and handle the first wing-beats of our alternative
             computing in front of the misinformed millions.
             That's why we are really in need of You, Sceners,
             too, due to this party not remaining a slogan only,
             but freeminded creatures's good atmosphered gathering,
             that's going to take attention to people!

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                The highlight of the party is the laying of
      foundation-stone, that you might have heard before (have you?):

                 Foundation for the Alternative Computing

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 Where & When:

 Date: 8th of november, 1997 (9h) - saturday
       9th of november, 1997 (9h) - sunday

 Place: Fáklya Klub       (Faklya Culture Centre)
        Budapest          (VI.district - downtown!)
        Csengery street 68.

 How to get there:

 - West-Railway station (Nyugati-pályaudvar): 6-8 mins. walk to direction
                                              of Oktogon square
 - Subway: take the subway no.1 (the yellow one) to station 'Oktogon'
           3-5 mins walk from there
 - Car: go to square 'Oktogon' and the 2nd street left is Csengery.
        Guarded parking-place is 10 metres from the partyplace are available!
        But you can email us for further details!

 Entrance fee: 500 HUF (5 DM)  - Free for girls! -
               Tickets can be booked in advance only!
               (because of the limited space for people [300-400])
               But foreigners are let in without preordered tickets, too!
               All tickets will show the handle/group of its owner.

 Security: official security-men guarding you, but won't disturb You at all!
           Alcohol is not forbidden as well!!!

 T-Shirts: Special Party T-shirts are also available in limited amounts
           (in front coloured huge party-logo, Amiga logo on back with
            the groups take part at the event, around! - contact us in time,
            if you want to see your group there!)
            It can be booked in advance only (just exactly as the tickets)
            and cost 1250 HUF (12 DM)
            At least, You can be properly dressed for occasion then :-)

 The groups take part in competition:
            Since nearly all active hungarian Amiga groups (Kenguru, Frame18,
            Therapy, Extasy, Faculty, CDi, United Force) will contribute with
            an intro at least, your winning is not guaranteed! But attempt...
            Also, the famous C64 group, Resource guarantee the quality of C64
            demo competition.

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                                   I  N  F  O :

                             Tickets can be booked
                            and further informations
                                are available at:

                 WWW:                   AMIGAonly.ahol.com

                 IRC:                             #amigahu

                 BBS:                         Burning Line
                                           (36) 1 228-2739
                                       Number Of The Beast
                                           (36) 1 291-4029

              TELNET:                      amiga.rulez.org

              E-Mail:      LouiSe@Bedrock.FIDO.hu     (Hun)
                                Magic@mail.gts.hu     (Hun)
                                  lord@eik.bme.hu (Eng/Hun)

                Post:                      AMIGAonly PO Box
                                                Pf. 701/830
                                            1399 - BUDAPEST

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              The sponsors of  AMIGAnica HUNgarica party are:

                             AHOL.COM - Internet
                                Crimson Jihad
                              fuCk-Ya AMIGA Club
                                GADGET Computer
                           Native Human Laboratories
                               PC-Pince, Sopron
                                Teletech kft.

                      More sponsors are always welcome!

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                                            text by lOUISe & lORD

            AMIGAnica HUNgarica #1
          invitation v2.1 - English
    "This will end your windows session!"
           The very first PC-FREE party &
                   conference for sceners
         Place:        Budapest - HUNGARY
         Date:  8th - 9th, november, 1997